Education | Oct 02, 2017

2017 Food & Farm Facts Activity Cards

The new Food and Farm Facts Activity Cards are standards-aligned and now available!

Feature Image FFF

The new 2017 Food and Farm Fact Activity cards for grades 4-6 and 7-12 are now available as a companion resource for the 2017 Food & Farm Facts book! 

Food and Farm Facts Activity Cards, 4th-6th grade 

 A collection of 12 easy-to-implement activities that support learning with Food and Farm Facts, developed for grades 4-6 using National Learning Standards & Common Core. Each activity card includes step-by-step instructions, discussion questions and an estimated time for completion.

 Math Activities:

  • How Much Does Food Cost?
  • Budget Boundaries

Science Activities:

  • Stop That Soil!
  • Growing in a Glove
  • The Great Trait Search

English Language Art Activities:

  • Families Feeding Others
  • Environment Fill-in
  • From Then, To Now

Health Activities:

  • Designing MyPlate

Social Science Activities:

  • Where Does My Food Come From?
  • We Have...We Need
  • Where Does Your Dollar Go?

Free sample lesson available

Food and Farm Facts Activity Cards, 7th-12th grade 

A collection of 12 easy-to-implement activities that support learning with Food and Farm Facts, developed for grades 7-12 using National Learning Standards & Common Core. Each activity card includes step-by-step instructions, discussion questions and an estimated time for completion. 
Math Activities:

  • Farmers Feed Us
  • Production Infographics
  • The Cost of Food

Science Activities:

  • The Power of Plasmids
  • Save the Soil

English Language Art Activities:

  • Let's Talk Farmers
  • Survey Soundoff

Health Activities:

  • Role Reversal
  • Stay Healthy, Stay Safe

Social Science Activities:

  • Country Comparison
  • The Influence of Geographic Features on Agriculture
  • Career Craze

Free sample lesson available

You can buy the activity cards here.

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