Free At Home Educational Activities About Agriculture: Week 10
We hope you 've enjoyed the at-home activities over the past couple of months! With the school year winding down, this will be our last installment of "Free At Home Educational Activities about Agriculture." Keep an eye out for some more fun stuff we will be sharing throughout the summer.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the at-home activities over the past couple of months! With the school year winding down, this will be our last installment of “Free At Home Educational Activities about Agriculture.” Keep an eye out for some more fun stuff we will be sharing throughout the summer.
We are rounding out the series with activities about careers in agriculture!
1. Grades 3-5 English Language Arts
My American Farm has the perfect game to explore careers in agriculture, aptly named “My Little Ag Me.” This game explores careers from all nine of the agriculture career areas as outlined by the National FFA Organization!
Next, have your 3rd-5th grade reader read one of free “My Little Ag Me” books; they explore careers like veterinarian, florist and much more. For younger learners, you can read aloud to them instead!
2. Grades 3-8 Math and English Language Arts
The My American Farm game “Auction Adventures”, funded by the National Auctioneers Foundation, was created with the National Auctioneers Association to explore careers in auctioneering. Third to fifth grade players will strengthen math skills as they learn about auctions.
There is an accompanying lesson for 5th grade readers that enhance English Language Arts skills as students read about real auctioneers!
There are also 3 lessons for middle school learners that cover useful math and economics knowledge, as well as explore careers in agriculture!
Enhance learning by watching these informative videos about careers!
3. Grades 3-10 Science and English Language Arts
In this one-hour Purple Plow Puzzler, your young learner will create a “go fish” card game about careers in agriculture.
Once they are done, have a family game night and play together!
4. Grades 6-12 All subjects!
Our curriculum “When I Grow Up: Discover Ag Careers” was designed for middle school learners but is applicable for high school students too. This resource follows nine career focus areas as outlined by the National FFA Organization and the lessons cover all subject matters. Download for free here.
You can extend learning with the “Agriculture Career Posters” and “Name That Ag Career” card game. Both are for sale in the FB store.
The Ag Explorer resource from National FFA is also a great resource for older learners wanting to explore careers in agriculture. We really like the virtual field trips section!