Ag Education

Agricultural education teaches students about agriculture, food and natural resources.

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Education | Sep 01, 2020

Broward County Supports Ag Literacy

Learn more about the Foundation's County Leader Award!

200107 go with flow
Education | Aug 07, 2020

Go With the Flow Spring 2020 Purple Plow Challenge Winners

Check out the winning teams projects from this spring's Purple Plow Challenge!

FOB bundle
Education | Aug 04, 2020

Farm Bureau Foundation and Ford Rev Up Ag Education

New educator grants available from Ford and Ag Foundation!

Education | Jul 01, 2020

MAF display kit pickup cards

Tree 3335402 1920
Education | Jun 18, 2020

Illinois Farm Bureau Supports Ag Literacy

Learn more about the Foundation's Apex Award!

Purchase 3090818 1920
Education | May 28, 2020

Free At Home Educational Activities About Agriculture: Week 10

We hope you 've enjoyed the at-home activities over the past couple of months! With the school year winding down, this will be our last installment of "Free At Home Educational Activities about Agriculture." Keep an eye out for some more fun stuff we will be sharing throughout the summer.

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Education | May 25, 2020

Free At Home Educational Activities About Agriculture: Week 9

Water is everywhere! Dive into these at-home educational activities that explore the wonderful world of water.

Seedling 1558599 1920
Education | May 15, 2020

Free At Home Educational Activities About Agriculture: Week 8

Soil is the focus of this week 's at home activities; grab a shovel and dig into these lessons!

Carrot 2743498 1920
Education | May 08, 2020

Free At Home Educational Activities About Agriculture: Week 7

We all know that plants like fruits and veggies are a big part of nutritious diet, but did you know we eat stems, leaves and roots of plants, too? Let 's learn more!

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Education | Apr 30, 2020

Free At Home Educational Activities About Agriculture: Week 6

This is our 6th week of at home activities and it is time to get growing!

Confidently use the Pillars of Ag Literacy, so that you can save time and energy with your ag literacy efforts.